
A Python Extension Package for the InterbaseĀ®/Firebird Relational Databases

( Version: 3.2 ) ( This distribution was created on 2006.08.11 at 15:16 UTC. )

Documentation Contents:


KInterbasDB is a Python extension package that implements Python Database API 2.0-compliant support for the open source relational database Firebird and some versions of its proprietary cousin BorlandĀ® InterbaseĀ®. In addition to the minimal feature set of the standard Python DB API, KInterbasDB also exposes nearly the entire native client API of the database engine.

KInterbasDB is free--covered by a permissive BSD-style license that both commercial and noncommercial users should find agreeable.

Project Web Site

The KInterbasDB project web site is graciously hosted by SourceForge at

Bug reports, feature requests, and other communication with the KInterbasDB developers should be delivered via that site.